Last week, word leaked that Microsoft is hard at work on a new web browser for Windows 10
Looking back at the past year, it seems like it was just yesterday that we were wowed by the popularization of one page or parallax websites. After Flat Design ...
Vidappt have been chosen for by the Public Appointments Service (PAS) to provide their online testing platform for the national recruitment campaign for the Garda Síochana.
Their new site has extensive content showcasing their established reputation as one of the leading innovators and manufacturers of high quali...
Progressive businesses are realising the advantages of turning a great business idea into a profitable and customer friendly app., whether as a downloadable or web based software app development. Primary focus is often most for benefit of Customers but app’s also provide useful features allowing employees and business professionals to ...
Having a mobile website isn’t enough The first impression a potential customer has of your business is increasingly likely to be from their phone or tablet – so how does your business look as a mobile website? Declining sales in desktops, increasing sales in mobile devices, Google and other levi...
Many organisations find themselves encumbered with business data that is not regularly used in day-to-day processing. This business data is stored in what is known as a ‘data silo’ – indicative of its ‘isolation’. This happens, quite often, as a result of a legacy system which is unlikely to be further developed...
In many businesses, an ‘off-the-shelf’ software product has been purchased and whilst it lends itself to your business processes, and may seem like a solution, the fact remains that a ‘one size fits all’ approach introduces inefficiencies. The vast diversity of business and service providers will be more ...
As we are a web design company, we are hearing a lot of reports these days of online businesses noticing severe (and sometimes catastrophic) drops in their unique site visitor numbers. Owners and web master...
Google’s latest “Authorship” patent Google authorship continues to be a hot topic. In late Feb 2013, the internet giant had another search engine ranking page (SERP) related US Patent Application published:
We are delighted to announce that one of our clients, Fota Island Resort, has won the Cork Independent Newspaper's website of the week award. The Fota Island Resort website scored a fantastic 14/15 total, with top marks in the categories of Appearance, User Friendliness and Usefulness. The Fota Island Resort website scored a fantastic 14/15 total, with top mar...
Hot Topic: Google Author Rank It’s no secret that content creation continues to have significant impact on page rank results but neglecting this from your SEO and Digital Marketing Strategy, at this stage, is fool hardy. Author Rank (AuthorRank) is now included in Google Search...
New Year’s resolutions aren’t all about giving things up but also about taking on new things too. The lull after the seasonal festivities, and as people slowly get into gear again, is a good time to take stock of what you have and haven’t; what you need and don’t need. It’s an especially goo...
How are your search ads doing - Are you getting plenty of clicks and conversions? If your answer is ‘No’ then here are a few factors to consider… The Heath brothers best selling business book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die gives clear outlines on making things ‘sticky’; meaning they wi...
All organisations have important documents and information requiring easy access, simplicity in sharing, communal printing functionality, data security and resilient backup. It is no small task to keep track of and a web-based DMS moves way beyond the traditional “file and save” methodology. File management systems have progressed from trad...
Mobile business is not just about clicks and page views. It is to focus on your audience and their requirements. Nielsen, the global leader in measurement and information, announced this month that 2012 was the first holiday (Thanksgiving) where the majority of mobile subscribers own smartphones. They emphasise, from pre-purchase research, that shoppers...
The omnipresent facts and figures predicting mobile usage in the coming years show no sign of abating and the latest news is no real surprise. Recent research from Danske bank, formerly National Irish Bank, estimate 71% of adults will be using online or mobile banking by the end of 2013. This research, alongside the highly positive customer ...
When building or updating a website, consideration must be given to responsive web design as a prime option. We are frequently asked by our clients what the benefits of RWD are. This is perhaps the first obstacle to overcome in the design phase! In the earlier days of the web, working with clients to design their website was a lo...
Google has targeted websites that are “top heavy” this year with some of its search engine algorithm changes; too many ads above the foldline could affect your ranking negatively. Check your own websites foldline by using this handy tool provided by google: Find yo...
What is Big Data… And how did it help Nate Silver, an American statistician, get a 50/50 success rate in predicting the winner of each state in the recent U.S. election? If you are not exposed to big data systems on a regular basis you probably are not familiar with the concept behind ‘big data’. Until of late...
Sir Richard Branson is currently requesting answers from the general public on ‘Our digital future’. He explains that the more he understands about how we use it and what we want from it – better and more fulfilling services can be created. For me, the best thing about the web is the almost instantaneous access to knowledge...
We are delighted that one of the projects we were involved with for the The Business Post, ( has been shortlisted for a 2012 Web Award in the Best Online Publication category. The very best of luck to all of the team.
Vidappt are delighted to have been chosen by Zurich Life, once again to further extend their mobile strategy to include the development of both iPhone and Android applications that will provide their brokers and customers alike with the full suite of online insurance products and tools.
Last month Google delivered some new features to the mobile web edition of Google+, but hadn’t yet gotten around to updating the smartphone apps themselves? Well, we’ve yet to see those changes made to the iOS version of Google+, but today they finally come to the Android edition, along with some pretty impressive-sounding improvements of their own.
If you are in the process of trying to promote your business online you are probably (and quite rightly) researching the various methods and strategies that can employed online. The amount of information can sometimes appear daunting and unwieldly leaving you feeling that you are caught up in some game of “buzzword bingo”. As a result we have provide some clarif...
Cork Plastics have chosen Vidappt as their digital strategy and development partner. Cork Plastics are one of Ireland's leading plastics manufacturing companies and are in the process of extending their sales focus to include additional European countries. As part of the digital strategy we will be working with them on the design and development of a new website to ...
I can almost guarantee, depending on sector and other broadcast factors, that right now, anywhere between 10 and 30 per cent of email subscribers are opening their messages on smartphones and Tablets. This stat alone should prompt marketers into thinking about making sure their emails are displaying correctly and effectively on smaller screen sizes. Fortunately this is w...
The following recent article by Alex Spencer, Mobile Marketing Magazine, will tell you it`s Monday!! Here`s the article... " has taken a look at its mobile browsing figures - and discovered that Monday morning is the busiest period for mCommerce, with mobile browsing surging at 7–8am. S...
Over 600m Apps were downloaded in the first quarter of 2012, according to a recent article by Alex Spencer, of Mobile Marketing Magazine. This was an increase of 51m from the previous three months, according to research by firms madvertise and Xyologic. This is just one more indicator of the vast and still massively growing market in mobilisatio...
A good web based Content Management Solution (CMS) means the difference between a static, underachieving website and a dynamic, flexible site that adapts to visitor needs. It converts prospects into Customers and strengthens your brand. But how do you choose amongst the vast array of solutions dominating the internet? The answer lies in ...
Users of Facebook`s apps for Android, iPad and iPhone may begin seeing ads as soon as early March, as the company looks to gain an addition revenue source before it goes public. Sources close to the matter say Facebook has already discussed proposals with advertising agencies, according to the Financial Times. Facebook began running sponsored stories in December 2011...
Our kids are the quickest to embrace technology and more often than not know more about the latest devices than we do. Should we accommodate their desires for faster, sleeker, slimmer, more functional and lighter devices. YES! but why? Because we can use them too J B...
A mobile optimised website is now a "must have" for retailers looking to expand their market share. Don`t miss out on this easily implementable extension to your online sales. As far back as December 2010, Marks & Spencer`s mobile-optimised site received over 1m unique daily visitors as shoppers turned to the site to do their Christmas shopping on the go.
Another great article that featured on Mashable that details some essential methods of optimising the search capabilities of your Ecommerce website. Providing multiple methods that allow your customers to find products easily and timely on your website is a vital component of sales conversion. About 60% of online purchases result from a customer search. Not only shou...
The guiding principle for all checkout design is “keep it simple”. Every checkout should look simple, be simple to understand and simple to use. If there is one thing every e-commerce website owner should know about the psychology of customers using checkout it is that they sometimes are operating on auto-pilot. E Commerce website checkou...
We would like to offer our congratulations to one of our clients, Secret Chic ( who have been nominated for an Irish Web Award 2011 in the Best eCommerce / Services Website category. Secret Chic is Ireland`s first online dress rental service. buy designer dresses so th...
This post originated on Mashable ( and as we felt that it was so valuable to all business that have ecommerce websites we decide to publish the content here. Here are the top 10 website issues that hinder retail website visitors from converting to customers, according to QuBit’s research: ...
Just in time for the Christmas rush……….. the new website has just been launched and boy are we happy! Mimitoy...
Recently the links between email marketing and mobile revenue. Turns out that a good email strategy quickly contributes to mobile purchases. Here are some of the early findings: 1) Email is often checked first thing in the morning – from a mobile device. Are you guilty of typing up an urgent reply while still in bed? As smartphone adoption grows, email is incre...
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