Hot Topic: Google Author Rank

 It’s no secret that content creation continues to have significant impact on page rank results but neglecting this from your SEO and Digital Marketing Strategy, at this stage, is fool hardy.

Author Rank (AuthorRank) is now included in Google Search Engine Rank Algorithms - there is no excuse for content creators not to have their google authorship setup and tags on every bit of content they create.

 So what is AuthorRank?

 It’s a quality recognition measurement for Google search engine ranking system. Grading factors include credibility, reputation and quality of content produced.

Other factors include positive mention counts; likes, shares, retweets and also how long a user remains on a page or website that has shown up in Google search results. All these factors are deemed to indicate how interested a visitor was and also a measurement of user engagement. Both of which suggest the website is a quality site offering a good user experience and thus worth of higher placement in search engine result pages (SERP).

By setting up your own google authorship (a google plus account is mandatory) and using the relevant html tag in your content; you will then start to see search results being influenced by AuthorRank; your name and picture will appear in a small tab next to the weblink. This not only makes the link standout in the results page but also shows the person behind the content – remember people communicate with people not businesses – and, as proven by statistics, will encourage more clicks.

So what does this mean to businesses?

If you are contracting out your content creation – look for those authors who have AuthorRank and the higher the better, as this will only help to improve your site or page rank.

This will be covered in more detail in a future article.

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Disclaimer: The above are my own opinions and not necessarily those of my employer.